Sorry about not writing to you since the past few days!!!!Here's my account of my examination days!!Here Goes..........
I entered the classroom at 7:30 .The air was full of eerie muffled voices and whispers ,the atmosphere's serenity contrasted the usual frenzy and flurry of the bygone days!!
The students were rasping under their breaths and quickly turning over the pages to recaptulate all that they had learned.
I took my seat.and began revising what I had Learnt.
Though I knew that after all those sleepless nights of studying.I would surely stand first yet I lacked self-confidence.
All of a sudden,The door flung open and an angry teacher stomped in.She told us to wind up and only keep our pencil cases with ourselves.
There as an inferno of movement ,for a minute or so.Until,The teacher rapped her desk sternly with her pen and asked us to resume our seats.We did as we were told.
Sharply at 8 we got our answer sheets and were asked to fill the tabular column first.
I poured over my question paper.The answers were thoroughly annealed to their corresponding questions in my mind.The question paper just seemed like a jig-saw puzzle. the answers just needed to be fit in their appropriate places.
I looked at my watch ..Only 15 minutes left.I aced my writing speed and went on to finish the question paper.Beads of sweat appeared on my fore head and my hands felt all clampy, it had never happened before.As I thought of the time left , fear began to bubble like acid in my tummy.
Nevertheless,I finished the paper in record time.I hurriedly went through my question paper to see if I had left anything.Nope ,The answers were all clearly numbered and elegantly written.
Relief swept over me like a wave after I had handed out my answer sheet to the teacher.After collecting our answer sheets the teacher's frown changed into a broad grin and she told us to take our bags and pack up!
Hurray! I tell softly to myself, as I run to catch my Bus,the dreaded Exams are finally over.
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